Monday 12 January 2009

hey, my name is simon, whats yours

so, yeh...
my name is Simon, Simon John Sky Walker. to be exact
that is my real, full name. star wars fans should know. im not a jedi
or am i....

but yeh, this is my first blog on here
kinda,.... nervous. don't want to make a bad impression now do i? i mean, you only get one chance at making a first impression.
i don't want to say anything bad, or offensive.

i guess i should tell you about myself, well
im a musician, i play guitar, bass guitar, drums and im a singer
my band is called the band channels, and we play blues influenced heavy progressive stoner rock.


i love music and comedy, i would like to be a musician for a living, or a comedian
i don't mind witch. both would be cool i supose. but then id be like jack black.
even tho i love the guy, its kinda getting old. he acts the same in like every movie.

maybe thats his thing ... hmmmmm

but, im kinda getting of the point here.
keep reading my blogs
ill try and post them as often as i can

:) xxxx

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