Thursday 15 January 2009's new video project

yo yo yo
not many of you would know
but my youtube account "simonwizzle91" has a minor cult status on youtube
and I'm not doing to bad at the moment.
but youtube, for me got waaaaaaay more fun today
with mine and my mates Denn's new thingy...
on youtube that is
today we went around filming the most random videos in the whole fucking weird.... it was kinda jagged..... ( < confusing running joke)

we shot a video called
"scared of sharkey" were my mate Sam sharkey jumps out on us and we all scream like girls, lol.
that's pretty much the premise

and then we filmed a video called "whats in the box"
witch was funny to make because we were all just improvising some random crap, trying to guess whats in a box lol

it turns out that it was a sandwich ....

then we filmed a funny little video called "sharkeys dream" were sharkey falls asleep and dreams that me and him are dancing ina scilent movie then he kicks the shit out of me ....

then we filmed a video about me pranking dennis with
pretty self explanitory tbh,
god that website has given me nightmares for months

anyway, thats all we have for the moment
but ill keep you posted when new videos are uploded

bye for now xxxxxxxx

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