Monday 12 January 2009

my bands ... and other musical doodads

hey guys.
*yawn* its 2:10 in the morning, and im not really tired so i thought i'd tell you about my bands and musical projects.
well, my first band ever was a really shitty punk band called
"the 3 lost paranoids" and it was with me and my buddy Saul, and a complete bell end called jason burleigh. we were pretty good, until we realized that we weren't good at all and that me and Saul hated the drummer more then anything in the world EVER!. so it ended pretty much from there. lol.
my second band and the band that im still in, is The Bad Channels.
we play weird,... bluesy stoner metal'y shit... stuff.
we have been through a million line up changes over the past 2 years
it started with

me, Saul, harry
then with
me, Saul, Theo, zakk
then with
me, Saul, jamie, zakk
then with
me, Keith, ash, harry
then with
me, Keith, andy and harry

and that was the winning line up

its been one of the happiest years of my life, with this band. its been amazing
so many fun memories with gigs.
that i'll hare with you on another occasion.
but, good things must come to a end. with it un-preventably, when harry, andy left. and Keith kind'a in and out of the band.
i was pretty distraught, it felt like my life was over . actualy, the best way to decribe it. is. that it felt like a family member had died.

i was fucking heart broken.
so many gigs
so many good times
all lost. over pretentiousness.
i felt like a bad musician, i felt like a band front man
but worst off all i felt like a bad friend.

the bad channels was over.
but not quite
after a while, it slowly rebuilt itself, and now. with new members the bad channels is just about ready to flourish once more in the falmouth and Cornwall music scene

now the lineup consists off

me, jake, sharkey.

and thats pretty much the history of the bad channels so far.
more to come.....

my new band. "The Attics" is just starting out and were a relatively new band
but, its really exciting. im seeing some good things tomming our way also.
so watch out.

im also in a blues band i like to call "Captain Copycat"
and have just joined a new, as yet unnamed stoner rock band
and i am auditioning for thrash metal band "Rach Decision"
Aaaaand, im in my unnnamed college pop-punk-alternative-rock-soul-metal band lol

witch should be fun :)

so this is my history in music and bands and stuff :)
keep a look out for gig storys in the near future

love xxxxx


msn -

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